stag lane

stag lane

London, UK

414 apartments, 4,000m² retail and employment use, energy centre


Royal London Asset Management and NEAT Developments Ltd

DunnettCraven were instructed by RLAM and NEAT to prepare a full planning application for the development of the site known as 1-8 Capitol Way to provide a mixed-use development incorporating residential and commercial uses.

The application site, at the edge of the Capitol Way Industrial Park, is approximately 1.74ha in size, and currently accommodates a long term vacant late 20th-century warehouse, with associated hardstanding surface car parking. To the south is a satellite site used for car parking which includes some trees that have been the subject of a TPO. The site is not located within or adjacent to a Conservation Area or Nature Conservation Area of any landscape importance.

The scheme proposes the demolition of the existing buildings located on the site, and comprehensive redevelopment to provide six blocks of apartments ranging from 4 to 9 storeys in height and eight 3-storey mews houses, with a commercial building of 2 storeys on the satellite site. This creates a total of 414 residential units, with associated car and cycle parking, storage and plant space located at basement level and private and shared residential external amenity space at ground floor level.

In addition to this, 4,051m² of commercial accommodation (Class B1 A-C, B8 & A3) is to be provided within the proposed development.
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